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RuralSunProperties 22 April 2020 Calasparra no responses

The geographical location and history of this municipality make it especially appealing.

With four rivers and two reservoirs Calasparra enjoys a privileged status, as these waters are a source of attraction for visitors, not only for the luxuriant countryside but also for the variety of activities that are possible here (potholing, canyoning…).

Its more than six hundred years of existence and the historical legacy it still preserves provide visitors with numerous surprises: caves with rupestrian paintings, declared World Heritage by the UNESCO, and archaeological sites ranging from Palaeolithic to Hispano-Muslim, with artefacts housed in the Archaeological Museum (former Encomienda building).

Source: https://www.murciaturistica.es/en/calasparra/
See also: http://www.turismocalasparra.es/index.php/en
and: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calasparra

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