Yecla is a municipality and a Spanish city of the Region of the Altiplano in the Region of Murcia.
Located in the northeastern corner of the Region of Murcia, it to the east with the province of Alicante and to the north and west with the one of Albacete. Its population in 2016 is of a total of 34,100 inhabitants (INE).
The municipal term of Yecla has an extension of 607.7 km ². It is located in the extreme north of the Region of Murcia, being bordering land with the provinces of Albacete and Alicante.
The dominant landscape is formed by mountains of moderate altitude, with predominant SW-NE directions, which constitute the structural extension of the external zones of the bética ridges (Prebético), with structures Jurassic style folded and vergence to the north.
The main elevations of Yecla are the Sierra de Salinas (1,238 masl in the Chapel of the Fraile), Monte Arabí (1,068 masl), Sierra de la Magdalena (1,038 masl),
Sierra de las Pansas (1,036 masl), Cerro Picario (1,035 masl) and El Puerto (1,030 masl).
The majority of mountains, which rise above ground level as islands, are more or less forested and separated by wide corridors,
where the crops are located. The main natural vegetation consists of pine trees (Pinus halepensis), more or less dense; the rest form it
scrub or sparty shrub physiognomy and widespread